Imagine a local family of four struggling to make ends meet. They choose between rent, bills, medicine or nutritious food. Uncertainty about where their next meal will come from causes stress, anxiety, and social isolation.

For $520—just $10 a week—provide a family’s milk, eggs, and protein for ONE YEAR.

*Name has been changed

Help one family, or five, or more, and invest in our community! Schedule a monthly or annual donation.

YOUR donation can help break the cycle of food insecurity so families can lead healthier lives and create a more SUSTAINABLE food system for ALL.

  • With a one-time donation of $520
  • With a monthly $44 donation
  • With a one-time donation of $1,040
  • With a monthly $87 donation
  • With a one-time donation of 1,560
  • With a monthly $130 donation
  • With a one-time donation of $2,080
  • With a monthly $174 donation
  • With a one-time donation of $2,600
  • With a monthly $217 donation
  • With a one-time donation of $5,200
  • With a monthly $434 donation
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