Medically Tailored Groceries
Medically Tailored Groceries
Medically Tailored Groceries (MTG) is an innovative program, building on the Food is Medicine movement, to help adults with, or at risk of, chronic illness to better manage their health with good, nutritious food. The Open Door is the first Food Pantry in Massachusetts to provide medically tailored groceries to food pantry clients.
What is Medically Tailored Groceries?
MTG is a FREE program that offers one-on-one nutrition counseling (in-person or remote), FREE weekly groceries, virtual or in-person nutrition education, easy meal ideas and more through a two-track, step-down program.
The program serves qualifying individuals 18+ with the following conditions: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes/prediabetes, weight management (seeking weight gain or reduction), cancer, HIV/AIDs, congestive heart failure, and chronic kidney disease.
the medically tailored groceries toolkit is here!
SIGN UP below to receive our Medically Tailored Groceries Best Practices Toolkit.

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